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Canberra Raiders Iconic Jerseys A Timeless Tribute

Canberra Raiders' Iconic Jerseys: A Timeless Tribute

1987: The Birth of a Legend

The Canberra Raiders' journey to the top of Australian rugby league began in 1987 with the introduction of their iconic jersey. The vibrant lime green, accented by bold elbow striping, embodied the club's fearless spirit and unyielding determination.

1989: A Premiership to Remember

In 1989, the Raiders achieved their first premiership triumph, a testament to the enduring legacy of their jersey. Although the shade of green evolved slightly over the years, the essence of the Raiders' colors remained unwavering.

The Woodgers Sponsorship Era

The club's early partnership with Woodgers cemented the jersey's status as an icon. The logo of this esteemed sponsor adorned the front of the jersey, becoming a symbol of the Raiders' pursuit of excellence.

Taylor's Lime Green Masterpiece

Former Raiders player Terry Taylor played a pivotal role in the jersey's evolution. His bold choice of lime green ensured that the Raiders' strip became instantly recognizable, a true embodiment of the club's vibrant and uncompromising style of play.

A Legacy Enshrined

The Canberra Raiders' jerseys have stood the test of time, transcending generations of supporters. They serve as a timeless tribute to the club's rich history, unwavering spirit, and deep connection with the Canberra community.
