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Historical Origins

Romania's Tricolour

Historical Origins

The Romanian Constitution proudly proclaims the Romanian flag as a "tricolour." This emblem has its roots in the 19th century when the Ottoman government recognized regional flags.

Stripes and Colors

The flag boasts three equal vertical bands: cobalt blue on the left, bright yellow in the middle, and crimson red on the right. The width-to-length ratio is roughly 2:3.

Significance of the Colors

The blue band represents the sky and liberty, the yellow band symbolizes the sun and justice, while the red band signifies brotherhood and sacrifice.

Evolution of the Tricolour

The origins of the tricolor date back to the 1834 Revolution in Wallachia. It was later adopted as the national flag in 1867, following the unification of Wallachia and Moldavia. The flag has undergone various revisions over time, but its essential design has remained constant.
